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Helper Applications

For the most part, the various Web browsers have opted not to include the proverbial kitchen sink in their code, and they all rely on a common set of helper applications for dealing with certain types of data. There are numerous other applications that you can use as helper applications, but these are the most popular. All are available at the URL below, unless mentioned otherwise.

Note: If a Web browser cannot launch your helper applications properly, try rebuilding your desktop -- if the desktop database is out-of-date, the Web browser may not be able to find the proper helper application.

WWWrapping Up

The Web is where the action is, and I hope this chapter has given you the necessary information to pick out a Web browser and start poking around. Everything changes so fast that it's hard to say where you should start, but I currently recommend you point your browser at Yahoo and either browse or search for information. If you can't find it in Yahoo, one of the search engine links in Yahoo should help, if anything can. Enjoy yourself, and remember to come up for air every now and then. The Web can be a mighty vortex.

In addition, I've created an ISKM Home Page (the version of MacWeb on the ISKM disk goes to it by default) that points to many of the rest of the best sites on the Internet for searching and browsing; by using these links you should be able to find anything that is actually available. These are the same resources I use, so I've given you the exact same tools to which I turn whenever I need to find something on the Web.

All this browsing is fine and nice, but what if you want to create your own Web pages? Read on, because the next chapter tells you everything you need to know about the process on a Macintosh, unlike most other books that I've seen about the Web.

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